The Addition
The Addition
The Media vs QAnon and Donald Trump

The Media vs QAnon and Donald Trump

James Ball on online conspiracies and the next US election.

QAnon started out as bored teenagers having fun online… and ended up with a riot at the US Capitol. There may be more to come. We now have politicians, including former and potentially future president Donald Trump, who openly promote the conspiracies that have emerged on the 4chan message boards. It is dangerous and the virus is spreading, including to the UK. How on Earth did we get here?

James Ball is a journalist and author whose latest book covers the story right from the beginning. He joins the show to explain what exactly QAnon is, why it matters going into another US election cycle, and what the mainstream media can do to help fight the conspiracy theories.

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The Addition
The Addition
Charlotte Henry adds together media, tech, politics and culture with the help of some fantastic guests.